Olivia Addams - "I am a 1000 pieces puzzle..."

Olivia Addams-I am a 1000 pieces puzzle...

Supposedly life without love is like a tree without its flowers. Do you believe in the importance of love as the most valuable of our feelings?

Let me be honest about this. When I was little I really thought that there are so many things more important than love. I used to believe that as long as I have my career, I will be happy and that love was just an option that was not necessary for my well being. I believed love made me vulnerable and vulnerability meant losing focus from work. As I grew up I kept achieving all these wonderful things which brought me joy but I was not happy. I couldn’t help but notice that something was missing. I learnt that although love makes us vulnerable, it gives our life meaning. Love inspires me, it keeps me warm, it makes me want to achieve the best version of myself. I now believe that everything in life that starts with love, can lead to great things.

Love is also the theme of your newest single "Dumb". You claim that it's a very personal song for you. Can you tell us why?

Yes, it is very personal because it tells my story, the story of a broken hearted girl, who has had just about enough with heartbreaks and decides that its time to switch roles from victim to gangster. Toxic relationships, never ending fights, but never letting yourself really get out of that situation because you still hope that at some point it will get better. Dumb is about finding your inner female power and be strong enough to let go of whatever no longer serves you.

"Dumb" is also a symbol of your independence. With this song you free yourself from the demons of the past. Was it hard for you write it? To put these emotions on a paper?

I truly believe that it is easier to write from experience. I could say that it almost writes itself out, while I become a vessel, a creator sent from God to spread a message in hope that there is somebody out there who needs it. We are all creators. We just have to listen.

After putting the emotions on paper, yeah, I got a sense of liberation that goes deeper every time I get the chance to sing it. Feels like a cleansing but instead of salt and crystals, I use my voice.

But before you could tell this story to your listeners you had to find your own way of artistic expression. To take the right direction. Tell me, how did your adventure with music started?

It started quite funny actually. My mom told me I could sing before I could talk. I grew up with music and I was literally singing wherever I went. One day I was holding my mom’s hand waiting to cross the street and singing. A nice lady heard me and turned to my mom and said “take her to a choir or something, she is talented”. 14 years later I decided I wanted more, so I continued my journey alone. I was very lucky to find a wonderful team that helped me and supported me from day one when I was a total stranger. Now, they became part of my family and I couldn’t be more grateful for having them and for them helping me every step of the way.

I recall the words of Waylon Jennings who once said that honesty is something you can't wear out. How great do you think is the limit to this artistic honesty? Does an artist who sings about his problems cross this line?

I believe that the beauty of art lies in the fact that it doesn’t have to know any boundaries. Our job as creators, is to put ourselves out there, to be vulnerable and share our heart with the world. I do not believe that an artist crosses the line if he sings about his problems. I believe that it is important to share our stories, so that at some point in time, someone, maybe a little girl, sitting in her room and crying her eyes out, hears the story and she knows that she is not alone and that she is not the only one going through this experience. And maybe just for a second, she will feel understood and safe. I think that’s the duty of an artist. To make people feel less alone in the world.

We talked about love but it seems that your love to music is like a love at first sight. What is so special about music? Something that tells you "I want to be around these sounds and beats”?

The reason that made me love music was the fact that through it you’re able to influence people’s moods and fill them with emotions. When I was little and my mom was sad, I would always sing for her so she would feel better. That memory stayed with me and up until this day the idea of making people feel something keeps me going.

Well, every artist has his own inspirations. They come from the other people or from everything what's around us. I wonder, what are yours? Where are you looking for your musical inspirations?

Inspiration comes from anywhere really if you open up and let yourself receive. One day I was sitting in my room and wondering what should I write about that day. My eyes landed on two Chinese fishes kissing and hanging from my window. I put it on paper. Now the song is out. Go check it.

Your career is gaining momentum. You are also gaining more and more popularity. What are the goals you would like to achieve as a professional singer?

It's a question I've been asked many times. I came to the conclusion that there is a difference between wanting, hoping and having the ambition to achieve something. Of course I wish I could have Madison Square Garden sold out in a few years. But that doesn't mean that if this doesn't happen, I have failed in some way. My ambition is to work, to write music and to be happy with what I do, while leaving something in this world. I believe that loving the process is very important, although it might seem so hard sometimes, but success must always be a consequence of your work, not an absolute goal.

And what are the dreams of a talented woman who received an amazing gift - she can express herself through the music and share emotions with other people?

I hope that my voice brings emotions to people who hear it. But I want my voice to also be heard outside the music industry. I recently gathered up the courage to talk about bullying and its repercussions. Being a victim of it, I understand the trauma and I consider that it is important for me to speak up about it and to make a change. I know bullying is something that always existed and will continue to happen but as long as I can make a small change about it, I am happy. Change starts with each one of us, one by one.

Now, we’re getting close to the end of our conversation but before that happen let me ask you this - what object best describes your personality?

I am a 1000 pieces puzzle. I might give you a hard time but once you put every piece into place and step back a little, you see the bigger picture – my bigger picture.

What flower do you love the most?

Peonies. Peonies. Peonies.

Do you like to be praised?

If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do.

And if you were to praise yourself, what would you say?

Dear Olivia,

I see that you’ve grown into a young courageous woman ! I am so proud of you. I wish you would’ve believed me at 13 when I told you that everything will turn out alright. Continue to work for your dreams and believe that you are able to make a change in the world. Love yourself, you are your best friend. Trust your instincts, they are your greatest ally. You are enough. You have everything it takes, but it will take everything that you’ve got.

With love,

Your future self.


Journalist: Kamil Mrozinski

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